mtq <-mf_get_mtq()# Plot the base mapmf_map(x = mtq)
Choropleth map
mtq <-mf_get_mtq()# Plot a choropleth mapmf_map(x = mtq, var ="MED", type ="choro")
Parameters customisation
mtq <-mf_get_mtq()# Plot a choropleth mapmf_map(x = mtq, var ="MED", type ="choro",pal ="Dark Mint",breaks ="quantile",nbreaks =6,leg_title ="Median Income\n(euros)",leg_val_rnd =-2,leg_pos ="topright")
Map layout
mtq <-mf_get_mtq()# Plot a choropleth mapmf_map(x = mtq, var ="MED", type ="choro",pal ="Dark Mint",breaks ="quantile",nbreaks =6,leg_title ="Median Income\n(euros)",leg_val_rnd =-2,leg_pos ="topright")# Plot a layout elementsmf_title("Wealth in Martinique, 2015")mf_credits("T. Giraud\nSources: INSEE & IGN, 2018")mf_scale(size =5)mf_arrow('topleft')
Theme and layout
mtq <-mf_get_mtq()# Set a theme mf_theme(x ="green")# Plot a choropleth mapmf_map(x = mtq, var ="MED", type ="choro",pal ="Dark Mint",breaks ="quantile",nbreaks =6,leg_title ="Median Income\n(euros)",leg_val_rnd =-2,leg_pos ="topright")# Plot a layout elementsmf_title("Wealth in Martinique, 2015")mf_credits("T. Giraud\nSources: INSEE & IGN, 2018")mf_scale(size =5)mf_arrow('topleft')
mtq <-mf_get_mtq()# Set a theme mf_theme(x ="green")# Plot a choropleth mapmf_map(x = mtq, var ="MED", type ="choro",pal ="Dark Mint",breaks ="quantile",nbreaks =6,leg_title ="Median Income\n(euros)",leg_val_rnd =-2,leg_pos ="topright")# Add an inset world mapmf_inset_on(x ="worldmap", pos ="right")mf_worldmap(mtq, col ="#0E3F5C")mf_inset_off()# Plot a layout elementsmf_title("Wealth in Martinique, 2015")mf_credits("T. Giraud\nSources: INSEE & IGN, 2018")mf_scale(size =5)mf_arrow('topleft')
mtq <-mf_get_mtq()# Set a theme mf_theme(x ="green")# Start an empty map with extra marginsmf_init(x = mtq, expandBB =c(0,0,0,.3))# Plot a choropleth mapmf_map(x = mtq, var ="MED", type ="choro",pal ="Dark Mint",breaks ="quantile",nbreaks =6,leg_title ="Median Income\n(euros)",leg_val_rnd =-2,leg_pos ="topright",add =TRUE)# Add an inset world mapmf_inset_on(x ="worldmap", pos ="right")mf_worldmap(mtq, col ="#0E3F5C")mf_inset_off()# Plot a layout elementsmf_title("Wealth in Martinique, 2015")mf_credits("T. Giraud\nSources: INSEE & IGN, 2018")mf_scale(size =5)mf_arrow('topleft')
mtq <-mf_get_mtq()# Set a theme mf_theme(x ="green")# Start the export with extra marginsmf_export(x = mtq, filename ="img/map.svg", width =5, expandBB =c(0,0,0,.3))# Plot a choropleth mapmf_map(x = mtq, var ="MED", type ="choro",pal ="Dark Mint",breaks ="quantile",nbreaks =6,leg_title ="Median Income\n(euros)",leg_val_rnd =-2,leg_pos ="topright",add =TRUE)# Add an inset world mapmf_inset_on(x ="worldmap", pos ="right")mf_worldmap(mtq, col ="#0E3F5C")mf_inset_off()# Plot a layout elementsmf_title("Wealth in Martinique, 2015")mf_credits("T. Giraud\nSources: INSEE & IGN, 2018")mf_scale(size =5)mf_arrow('topleft')# close
Also called “relief contours”, “illuminated contours” or “shaded contour lines”, the Tanaka method enhances the representation of topography on a map by using shaded contour lines. The result is a 3D-like map.
linemap displays a map made of lines using a data frame of gridded data.
To create maps from tiles, maptiles downloads, composes and displays tiles from a large number of providers (e.g. OpenStreetMap, Stamen, Esri, CARTO, or Thunderforest).
library(sf)library(maptiles)# import North Carolina countiesnc_raw <-st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package="sf"), quiet =TRUE)# Project to EPSG:3857nc <-st_transform(nc_raw, "EPSG:3857")# dowload tiles and compose raster (SpatRaster)nc_osm <-get_tiles(nc, crop =TRUE)# display mapmf_theme(mar =c(0,0,0,0))mf_raster(nc_osm)mf_map(nc, col =NA, add =TRUE)# add creditmf_credits(txt =get_credit("OpenStreetMap"))
Mini maps of most of the tiles providers
Transform base maps using log-azimuthal projection
library(fisheye)library(mapsf)# Import datasetncraw <-st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package="sf"), quiet =TRUE)nc <-st_transform(ncraw, 3857)mf_map(nc, col ="grey90")mf_map(nc[51, ], add =TRUE, col ="grey40")mf_title("Original Map")# transform the basemapnc_fe <-fisheye(nc, centre = nc[51, ])mf_map(nc_fe, col ="grey90")mf_map(nc_fe[51, ], add =TRUE, col ="grey40")mf_title("Log-Azimuthal Projection")
This one-function package computes circles with areas scaled to a variable and displays them using a compact layout. Original polygons are (roughly) scaled to fit inside these circles.
library(rnaturalearth)library(sf)library(wbstats)library(popcircle)library(mapsf)# Get countriesctry <-ne_countries(scale =50, returnclass ="sf")ctry <-st_transform(ctry, "ESRI:54030")# Only keep the largest polygons of multipart polygons for a few countries# (e.g. display only continental US)frag_ctry <-c("US", "RU", "FR", "IN", "ES", "NL", "CL", "NZ", "ZA")largest_ring =function(x) { x$ids <-1:nrow(x) pols =st_cast(x, "POLYGON", warn =FALSE) spl =split(x = pols, f = pols$ids), (lapply(spl, function(y) y[which.max(st_area(y)), ])))}st_geometry(ctry[ctry$iso_a2 %in% frag_ctry, ]) <-st_geometry(largest_ring(ctry[ctry$iso_a2 %in% frag_ctry, ]))# Get and merge datadata_pop <-wb_data(indicator ="SP.POP.TOTL",start_date =2021,end_date =2021)ctry_pop <-merge(ctry[, "iso_a2"], data_pop, by.x ="iso_a2", by.y ="iso2c")# Computes circles and polygonsres_pop <-popcircle(x = ctry_pop, var ="SP.POP.TOTL")circles_pop <- res_pop$circlesshapes_pop <- res_pop$shapes# Create the figuremf_theme(mar =c(0, 0, 0, 0),bg ="#e6ebe0",fg ="grey50")mf_export(x = circles_pop,filename ="pop.png",width =800,res =100)# display circles and polygonsmf_map( circles_pop,col ="#9bc1bc",border ="white",add = T)mf_map( shapes_pop,col ="#ed6a5a95",border ="#ed6a5a",add =TRUE,lwd = .3)# labelscircles_pop$lab <-paste0(circles_pop$country,'\n',round(circles_pop$SP.POP.TOTL /1000000))mf_label(x = circles_pop[1:36, ],var ="lab",halo =TRUE,overlap = T,pos =3,cex =seq(1, 0.4, length.out =36),r = .15)# titlemtext("Population",side =3,adj =0.01,padj =-1.5,col ="grey50",cex =2)mtext("Millions of inhabitants\nin 2021",side =3,adj =0.01,padj =0.4,col ="grey50",cex =1.2)# cerditsmf_credits(txt ="T. Giraud, 2023 - World Development Indicators, 2023",pos ="bottomright")
Lazaro Gamio, Karen Yourish and Bill Marsh, 2020-04-08
It is possible to map quantities with circles, squares or other simple geometric symbols, spikemap uses spikes.
library(sf)library(spikemap)library(mapsf)# import the dataset from the packagecom <-st_read(system.file("gpkg/com.gpkg", package="spikemap"))# theme mf_theme(mar =c(0,0,0,0), bg ="#e1e5eb", fg ="grey30")# save figure as spiky.png in img foldermf_export(x = com, filename ="img/spiky.png", width =1000, res =100)# plot the base mapmf_map(com, col="#99aed1", border ="#e1e5eb", lwd =0.2, add = T)# display spikes for municipalities under 1000 inhabitants.# use fixmax arg to allow multiple spike plots with the same scale.spikemap(x = com[com$pop<=1000, ], var ="pop",inches =2.3, fixmax =500000,col ="#ffffff90", border ="#94000090", lwd = .5,legend.pos ="x")# display spikes for other municipalities# use locator() to pick a place for the legend or use "bottomleft".spikemap(x = com[com$pop>1000, ], var ="pop",inches =2.3, fixmax =500000,col ="#ffffff", border ="#940000", lwd =1.1,legend.pos =c(799307.2, 6128000),legend.title.txt ="Population",legend.values.rnd =-3)# get the tips of the spikeslbl <-spikelabel(x = com, var ="pop",inches =2.3, fixmax =500000)lbl <- lbl[order(lbl$pop, decreasing = T),]# display only the 12 first, use various cex and halomf_label(lbl[1:12,], var ="name",pos =3, offset = .5,halo = T, bg ="#99aed150",cex =c(1.3, 1.1, 1, rep(.8,12)),col ="grey30")# add scale bar, north arrow, title, sources...mf_scale(size =20, pos=c(629638.7 ,6136862.3 ), lwd =1)mf_arrow(pos ="topright", col ="grey60")mf_credits(paste0("ADMIN EXPRESS COG édition 2019, IGN\n","T. Giraud, 2020 | spikemap 0.1.0"))mf_title(txt ="Population \nin Occitanie", inner = T, line =8, cex =2.5, font =3, fg ="grey30", bg =NA)
Bivand, Roger S. 2021. “Progress in the R Ecosystem for Representing and Handling Spatial Data.”Journal of Geographical Systems 23 (4): 515–46.
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Le Goix, Renaud, Ronan Ysebaert, Timothée Giraud, Marc Lieury, Guilhem Boulay, Mathieu Coulon, Sébastien Rey-Coyrehourcq, et al. 2021. “Unequal Housing Affordability Across European Cities. The ESPON Housing Database, Insights on Affordability in Selected Cities in Europe.”Cybergeo, April.
Lovelace, Robin, Jakub Nowosad, and Jannes Muenchow. 2019. Geocomputation with R. CRC Press.
Pebesma, Edzer, and Roger Bivand. 2023. Spatial Data Science: With Applications in R. CRC Press.